[115] Books Reviewed
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Monday, August 16, 2010

The Late Bloomer's Revolution by Amy Cohen

() Exquisitely creative writing style. The metaphors and language is brilliant. "I saw myself as the emotional equivalent of a cheap piñata, one hard blow and that would be it."

Follows a woman through her strings on failed relationships and desperation for companionship. Then, finally, in her late thirties, she gains her own independence and strength. She finally learns how to ride a bike. (Which is something I still cannot even do.) She learns how to dump her fiancee without much grief. She learns the importance of her own, self-made happiness. She wants, but does not need any man. She won't settle or compromise for less than she deserves.

Empowering, especially to an older generation. (I'm in my early twenties but still found it inspirational.) It's never too late to be who you always wanted to be.

“If it’s not too late to learn to ride a bicycle, maybe it’s not too late to start growing up.”

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