[115] Books Reviewed
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous (Edited by Beatrice Sparks)

() This is the second time I've read this book; I think I appreciated it more than the first time. Though there is controversy over the non-fiction nature of Beatrice Spark's editing techniques, this does not detract from it being an intriguing read.

It's supposedly a 'scarcely' edited diary of a teenage girl who got wrapped up in "the seductive world of drugs". It appears as though it's set in the 1960's or 70's era.

If you want to scare a minor, or anyone for that matter, away from experimenting with illegal substances - this is certainly the literature to do so. The main character, Alice, is tricked into her first taste of the drug world; LSD is unknowingly mixed into her cola at a party. From there on, she becomes hooked and caught deep in the trenches of living off of nothing but the next high.

When she finally recognizes her folly and tries to come straight again, she finds it hard to escape what she has made herself known for. Social situations relating to her past cause her life to go south, but then she rises back up. The story seems to have a happy ending, until you read the Epilogue.

1 comment:

Richard James Arredondo said...

I just wanted to let you know how amazing your blog is, please keep reviewing books!! I wish there were more blogs like yours.

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