[115] Books Reviewed
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Friday, May 1, 2009

Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini

() This isn't anything at all like the other Vizzini book that I had read prior, It's Kind of a Funny Story; although this has the same creative but down-to-earth writing style, the narrative itself was very fictional.

It's based around your average geeky, shy, middle-school guy who finds being 'Cool' to be of the utmost importance. He finds out about this new, underground technology called the "squip". Squips are pricey, but they help the consumer reach their highest current life goals. For the main character, Jeremy, his goals are to be 'Cool' and get the girl he likes, Christine. Most of this seems to be coming together nicely, thanks to the squip. But in the very end, malfunctions occur and chaos erupts.

It's a cute story, but seems very novice compared to Vizzini's other book.

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