[115] Books Reviewed
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Takeover by Lisa Black

() A suspenseful story for sure, and with a twist ending packaged in. This tale combines love, passion, crime, and mystery all in one. The first person narration that is switched between different characters makes it all the more interesting.

So the plot is: two near-middle-aged individuals working in relation to law enforcement are engaged to be married. One is caught in the middle of an odd hostage bank robbery. Here, the robbers aren't of your average intelligence, and are not predictable even to the professionals. Soon there are casualties, and they learn of explosives being involved. The engaged woman trades herself for her fiance in the hostage negotiations in order to try and save his life.

The end is not what you'd expect, and not exactly hope-filled. But it's not a horrendously depressing either. A very "in between" conclusion. This book is good for thrill-readers, not so good for those who put more value on a lesson, unique idea, or main point being communicated across their reading.

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