[115] Books Reviewed
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Winter by John Marsden

() The main character in this book is intense, almost as intense as the conclusion to this story.

Winter, our main girl, drops out of school and heads back to the house she inherited after both her parents died when she was young. She finds the workers she paid to keep the place up had let it fall to shambles, sold its furniture, and cut and hustled the lumber in the surrounding woodlands.

She's strong enough to not stand for it, unlike her family's financial handler. This was no problem for her compared to the struggle to find out the mystery behind her parents' death. There were roadblocks everywhere, her own Great-aunt refused to see her. But Winter is not the type of girl to let things slide, or accept no for an answer. She eventually gets her answer, and is more shocked than anyone else.

Alright read. Unexpected and suspenseful. Original and provoking. However, not awe-inspiring.

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