[115] Books Reviewed
by author:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Swollen by Melissa Lion

() This book, like the previous one I just read by a different author, spent way too much time on artsy writing and less on the story itself; both had depressing conclusions.
The main character is a very plain girl whose only gratification yet has been through running track. The problem with her life is just that: she's plain, middle, ordinary. It's also known that she can be easy, but supposedly only with shy, quiet boys.
This is until another track runner dies at her school, the same track runner who had been hitting on her just a few days before. The same day he died, a new, middle-eastern boy arrives in her math class. He is interested in her, and they start becoming more than friends. For the first time in her life, she gives her heart out to someone. After they make love for the first time, he starts distancing himself from her. It hurts her like hell, though she won't admit it. Time with him had even had her sacrificing her love for track. He finds someone new, and she stays home watching her father destroy another great relationship he had with a wonderful woman. The book ends with her gaining only a bit more confidence in herself, but even less confidence in men.
This is another horrible read for the romantics, or really any girl who hopes to one day be happily married.

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