[115] Books Reviewed
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

No Language But a Cry by Dr. Richard D'Ambrioso

() This is an inspirational, true story written by a psychoanalyst practicing pro bono work at a nun-run group home. He takes on the long, difficult task of trying to open up a very abused, troubled young girl. As a toddler, she was literally found by the police while her parents were cooking her alive in a frying pan. They're both in mental institutions now, but the girl, Laura, is left seemingly deaf and mute. She doesn't respond to almost any outside stimulus. She reacts to life as a vegetable.
It takes the doctor a very long time to get through to Laura, but after a lot of work and revisiting her traumatic past, Laura wakes up. She still needs continual work to open up, but she finally recognizes her existence and is willing to work towards a better one. It's almost a miracle that the doctor made such a breakthrough. The book goes on to explore her struggles growing up - for she has a TON to make up for seeing as she's in her mid-teens when she 'awakes'.
It's an inspirational story written by the doctor himself. It can be a little slow, but so is life - it's worth it.

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